
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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Susanna Heller

USA (United States)

Kunstart: Malerei
Stil: Gegenständlich

Vita / Lebenslauf:
For Susanna, the city of New York has long been the source of her creative inspiration and iconography. Her work navigates the city from varying perspectives- Manhattan, Coney Island, Brooklyn, Uptown, Midtown, Downtown, subways, piers, bridges... always encouraging the viewer to travel with her.

Between 1998-1999, Susanna was invited to work from a studio space on the 91st floor of Tower I at the World Trade Centre. Much of the work produced during this period dealt with this unique vantage and/or 'birds eye perspective' of the energy, chaos and surreal beauty of the city below.

The tragic events of 9/11 left a huge void in Susanna Heller- as a New Yorker, artist, relative, friend, colleague and neighbor. Susanna had a personal connection to the World Trade Towers, not only with her former studio placement, but also as her visual landmarks on the NY skyline as she traveled into the city from her home in Brooklyn. Much of Susanna's work in recent years has dealt with this unprecedented experience of loss and what Susanna has coined the "Ghost Towers".

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:

2009 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
Magnan Projects, New York, NY
2007 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
2006 Susanna Heller, Magnan Projects, New York, NY
2005 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
City Watch, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, ON
2003 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
Out of Line, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2002 From Here: New York City Paintings, Museum London, ON (traveling)
Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
Gallery 808, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
2001 Luise Ross Gallery, New York, NY
2000 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
1999 University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
1998 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
Luise Ross Gallery, New York, NY
1996 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Bard College -Installation, Annendale on Hudson, New York, NY
1995 The Shape of Seeing & Other Stories, Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York, NY
Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1994 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
1993 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
1992 Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, ON
1991-92 Tomoko Ligouri Gallery, New York, NY
1991 Concordia Art Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
1990 Tomoko Ligouri Gallery, New York, NY
1989 Grunwald Gallery, Toronto, ON
Mount St. Vincent University Art Gallery, Halifax, NS
1988 Tomoko Ligouri Gallery, New York, NY
1987 Grunwald and Watterson, Toronto, ON
1986 Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Grunwald Gallery, Toronto, ON
1985 Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, NS
Embassy Cultural House, London, ON
1978 The Saidye Bronfman Centre, Montreal, QC

Black Cloud Reaches Brooklyn
35 x 53 x 3 cm
verkäuflich (Preis auf Anfrage)
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