Jivko Sedlarski
Kunstart: Skulptur
Technik: Metall
Stil: Abstrakt
Vita / Lebenslauf:
1998 “Torse”, stone, 1.20 m., Counino, Bulgaria
1989 Sculptural and Architectural Grouping, stone, 5.20 m., Architecture: M. Yankov, Coprivetz, Bulgaria
1990 Monumental Sculpture, bronze, 3.60 m. Padarevo, Bulgaria
Project for a sculptural bronze composition, Nadejda-Sofia, Bulgaria
1995 Secondary School Château, Morlaix, France
2001 High School François Bise, Bonneville, France
The Charterhouse of Taninge, Melin, France
2002 Police station of Ludwigsbourg, Stuttgart, Germany
2004 « Si loin » Forêt de Brocéliande, Montfort / France
« HIM » Limestone 2.70 m. Rachana’s Sculpture Park Rachana/ Lebanon
2005 « La Forêt Malouine » Bowling Center - Cap Malo, Rennes / France
Project « The History of the Monde» Ten monumentales sculptures for Cap Malo, La Mézière/ France
2006 Square tree, steel, 2.50 m. Bourgbarré / France
2007 Monument of Lafayette - project, Le Puy-en-Velay / France
BOWLING CENTER TROPHY, Cap Malo, la Mézière / France
Square tree, steel, 2.60 m., Leipzig / Germany
2008 Relief « Hristo Botev », bronze, 70x90 cm, Bulgarian Centre of Culture, Paris / France
« Ciel breton », steel, 1.50 m., Bulgarian residence, Strasbourg / France
2009 « Rainbow In The Dark », stainless steel, High 3,20 m., Ar’Milin, Châteaubourg / France
« Les Voiles » - projet, acier inoxydable, High 7,50 m., Crédit Agricole, St. Brieux / France