Serban Chelariu
27 Cleveland Street
7621 Bergenfield, NJ
USA (United States)
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Acryl
Vita / Lebenslauf:
� Born 1943, Romania
� Liberal studies, Painting (Romania and United States)
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
One man shows:
* Piermont Flywheel Gallery, Piermont, New York, 2009 and 2010
* Louise Jones Brown Gallery, Bryan Center, Duke University, September-October 2008
* East-West Gallery, Manhattan, New York City, March, 2005
* Alex Gallery, Washington D.C., 1987
* Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado, 1979
* O. J. Perrin Galleries, Paris, France, 1974
* Ateneu Gallery, Bucharest, Romania, 1970
Group shows:
* Pirmont Flywheen Gallery, Piermont, New York, 2009 and 2010
* Palisades Park Public Library Media Center, Poetry and Painting, Palisades Park, New Jersey, 2007, 2008 and 2009
* Victory Hall Cultural Center Annual Painting 2006, Jersey City, New Jersey, April 2007
* Palisades Park Public Library Media Center, Palisades Park, New Jersey, March 2006
* East West Gallery, Manhattan, New York, March 2006
* Katonah Museum, Yonkers, New York, June, 2005.
* Bergen Museum, Paramus, New Jersey, 1995
* Artists for Free Romania, World bank Auditorium, Washington DC, 1990
* Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado, 1979, and others.