Rino Serafino Cassano
0049 0174-14-102-09
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Mischtechnik
My statement to Art
Art for me is a form of meditation, a spiritual act focusing on the essence of life. I often visit areas of countryside around the world that are magical, enchanted, mysterious to me. Places that radiate strong flows of energy. As a dry sponge that absorbs humidity i try to capture the flow of these energies by creating a kind of fluid channel on my memory. I concentrate on shapes and structures created by nature, because i love nature and nature plays a large part in our existence as human beings. Modern man can often ignore or forget the invisible connection that links him not only to his own creation but to that of the universe.
I am searching always for an interior balance, creating for me allows me to activate and reinforce my instinct and intuition. As a musician touches the strings of his instrument to create a melody, i try to use the colours to vibrate and radiate energy, thereby creating impressions. Silence is like breathing, and of vital importance to each of us, within my art works the composition of the spaces together with the colours can transport each of us to that place of silence, of contemplation.
Rino Serafino Cassano, 2007
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Only 10 visits in some months - this site is bad frequented as it seems!