Romana Yaroshchak
2132 Kiev
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Acryl
Vita / Lebenslauf:
«I draw and feel the happiest person in the world».
My artworks are in museums, galleries and private collections of Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Austria, Turkey, Croatia, Spain, USA.
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
1998 - Gallery «Yarowit», Students Arts Exhibition, Lvov, Ukraine;
1998 - Lvov Arts Palace, Arts Exhibition, Lvov, Ukraine;
1999 - Gallery «Na Yaskultse», Students Arts Exhibition, Krakow, Poland;
2000 - Gallery «Gaude Mater», 1st International Exhibition of Miniature Arts, Chenstohova, Poland (catalog);
2001 - Gallery humor and satirical «Na drabinie», Wloclawek, Poland (catalog);
2001 - Chenstohova City Arts Gallery, Young Artists Exhibition, Chenstohova, Poland;
2001 - Ignacy Paderewski Museum, Humor Arts Competition «Paint Me Tolerance», under patronage of United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees, Warshawa, Poland;
2001 - XXIV International Exhibition «SATYRYKON», Legnica, Poland (catalog);
2002 - The international art satirical competition «CURUXA», Museum of Humour, Fene, Spain (CD-catalog).
2008 - The international art competition devoted the victims of the armed conflicts «The Red Cross Summer Exhibition», Hague, Netherlands.
2008 - 1st International Aid of SNAIL’S Graphical Humor, Lleida, Spain.
2008 - International action «No jury, no prize», Moscow, Russia.
2008 - «Opera Gallery», Exhibition by International Artists, Budapest, Hungary.
2000 - Chenstohova City Museum, Chenstohova, Poland.
2008 - Art and culture Center of Humanitarian lyceum T. Shevchenko, Kiev, Ukraine.
2008 - S&L Galerie, Strasbourg, France.
Pictures published in magazine «Terytoria» (Lvov, Ukraine). Responses were printed in the Polish press («Gazeta Wyborcha»). Interviews went out in the «Wysokyi Zamok» («High Castle», Lvov), RIA Novosti, URA-Inform, Inform@tor.NOW.
Distinction on Satiric Competition «Phones Phenomenon», Gallery «Na drabinie», May 2001, Wloclawek, Poland. Nomination on the XXIV International Exhibition «SATYRYKON», Legnica, Poland.