Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen: 1984 First exhibition in the jazz cooperative ARTIST in Wiesbaden.
1985 Joint exhibition in the art-hall in Wiesbaden.
1985 Exhibition in RUDOLF STEINER SCHULE in Frankfurt/Main.
1986 Exhibition in thegallery KUNSTHAUS WELKER in Heidelberg
1986 COLONGE Art price eand joint xhibition in Colonge
1986 Exhibition in the rooms of the NASSAUISCHER KUNSTVEREIN in Wiesbaden.
1989 Exhibition gallery Gross in Stuttgart.
1990 Atelier exhibition in Idstein.
1991 Exhibition in the gallery NOI in Lugano
1997 Exhibition in the city library of Bad Homburg
1997 Experimental Exhibition club BUFF in Frankfurt
1003 Exhibition in the MUSEUMSHOF WALLUHN near Hamburg
2007 Exhibition in the the gallery FUTURELL in Munich.
2013 Joint Exhibition DENKEN - FÜHLEN - MALEN Tour through Germany