
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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Mike Hinc


Kunstart: Medien
Technik: MultiMedia
Stil: Minimal / Konzeptkunst

Vita / Lebenslauf:
I am...
Mike Hinc. Hello!. As a painter, I work in diverse media. My subject is the ambivalence of experience � terror and wonderment in a human heart. My aesthetic is that of the humble postcard. My work, scribbled messages both platitudinous and profound, snatched from the frontline of the prosaic � �Weather still changeable, wish you were here�. Irony is key in an oeuvre which explores the interface between raw, felt experience and a mediated world of shrink-wrapped ideas and bite-sized epistemologies.

About my artwork
I have worked most of my life in the music industry with artists including Jonathan Richman, Morrissey, The Smiths, Nico, Primal Scream, The Birthday Party, and The Sisters of Mercy. As such, I am not unfamiliar with the cult of celebrity and its commodification. As an artist, I celebrate transience, inadequacy and the contradictions of a commodified world. If collage is the lingua franca of post modernism, it is also my Franglais. In a world without answers, my work neither seeks completion nor finds resolution. This is a contemporary collage where you can still �see the joins� and it is essential that you do so. That is where the art is. You are invited into a landscape, where juxtaposed images combine to form alluring, imaginary worlds, which you may enter at your peril.

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Recent Expos:
June 2008 Bureau de Tourism Quillan France
August 2008 Total Kunst Gallery Edinburgh Festival Scotland

When the music's over....
39 x 53 cm
Preis: 200 Euro
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