
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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Maria Eiper

Spanien (España)

Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Mischtechnik
Stil: Gegenständlich

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Maria Eiper or the iconography of the secret

by Carlos Delgado
Historian and Critic of Art

The paintings of María Eiper play with the stimulus of the present and the memory. This tension between the two temporary fields plunges her work in the field of polysemic significances, as the artist is not looking for a starting point that becomes an immutable reference. On the contrary each plastic construction, and through various techniques and procedures, paves the way for the suggestion and the evocation of the interrogation.

A first insight into the various options on which María Eiper investigates at the present time (and divided into three series, “Keys”, “Venus” and “Impressions”) immediately provokes the desire to dig into the ultimate meaning of her iconography. However, the painter, who has defined her work as “a personal diary of images”, seeks in the viewer “an open interpretation, inviting them to find their own connotations depending on their sensibilities and experiences”, beyond the veiled autobiographical component that only the author whole knows.

The memory of a buried key

The Key is a recurring motive in the works of María Eiper, that adheres to the pictorial surface like something more than a simple object-trouvé. In fact the artist creates these keys individually giving them their appearance of an object that owns its own memory adhered in their oxidized disused character. Their meaning is neutralized when they are put on the pictorial surface. The keys then become the expression of a symbol whose semantic connotations come from the pictorial context of the composition of the entire piece.

The first of these connotations and perhaps the most appealing comes from their locations on the canvas. We find these keys in a space whose textures and atmospheres evoke with great lyricism a sub aqueous environment. Nevertheless, the most decisive effect is consumed in its group compositions; aligned, dispersed, compact or hidden. These keys establish suggestive relationships to each other that can form themselves like the gravitational axis of the picture or to generate compositional rhythm.

The artistic transfiguration of the daily life object (as it is the key) arises in the work of María Eiper through double conceptual experimentation. On the one hand, the recovery of the vitality of the object through the faithful shape of its appearance and on the other, the alteration of its traditional meaning by means of concealment strategies and compositional order.

The contrast between the naturalism of the key, the heavy thread inclusion, the diverse material densities and the select tonal palette, takes us finally towards evocative scopes where the association of all these components are juxtaposed and interlaced on the same surface contributing to a particular physical and semantic meaning.

As a whole, the work is not entirely representational nor entirely abstract – the idea of the deep sea where the keys are buried dissolves in the beauty of the tonal and textural transitions to give the impression of a swaying movement establishing the position of the key like the end of a search. The key in this instance is slowing revealing all its underlying meanings.

29 x 40 cm
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El puente de prueba
29 x 40 cm
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40 x 20 cm
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Casi todo está en los libros
40 x 29 cm
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40 x 33 x 4 cm
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