
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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Luce Pelletier

Kanada (Canada)

Kunstart: Fotografie
Technik: Daguerreotypie

Vita / Lebenslauf:
Born in Sainte-Luce-sur-Mer, Luce Pelletier completed an MFA in 1993 at the University of Montréal and is now living in Québec City. Luce has produced many drawings, installations and photography. Since the 90s, ephemeral sculpture has been the principal part of her output and this has led to her great interest in photography. She is well known for site-specific sculpture in natural and urban settings. She creates both temporary and permanent sculptures which question the relationship between man and nature. Her membership of the Public Art Commission has been crucial to the development of her work. She has been selected for over twenty public art commissions in Québec, Canada. Based on her observations of nature, her sculptures are hybrid in form and reveal links between the mineral, animal and plant worlds....

Artist’s Statement

Our relationship with nature is dependent on the conjunction of individual perspectives, centuries of experience, contemporary thought. Nowadays, one cannot think about the wilderness without also thinking about its conservation; one cannot consider agriculture without also recalling industrialisation and its consequences. One can no longer talk of beauty without suspecting illusion, genetic modification, domestication. My work is inspired by these contradictory perceptions. I create hybrid objects which inspire a fresh view of the natural world. In so doing I try to update our perception of nature so that we accept the urgent need for a reconciliation between mankind and the other kingdoms with which we share our universe, as well as for a greater acceptance of our shared accountability.
The equilibrium of our ecosystems depends on this harmonious cohabitation between living things and the elements which make up our landscape. I propose an intimate look at nature that asks us to seize our shared future.

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Most recent exhibition :
Foster White Gallery. Perspectives. sept. 2010. Seattle, U.S.A.

Symposium international in nature. Fondation Derouin, Val David, Canada

Como como, événement international, Centre Expression Saint-Hyacinthe. Quebec, Canada

I realize more than fifteen public art commissioned in Quebec, Canada.

leurre pelure de maïs 2

74 x 99 cm
Preis: 2.000 Euro
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le leurre du liseron

74 x 99 cm
Preis: 2.000 Euro
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the lure
74 x 99 cm
Preis: 2.000 Euro
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Écorce et anatomie, dessin

61 x 78 cm
Preis: 900 Euro
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