Alois P.Champagne
USA (United States)
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Stil: Moderne
I try to explore the world with art: Painting the outside world
in street scenes and other subjects and the inside world of abstract painting.I paint in oil and acrylic and also mixed media.
I vary the strokes,thin lines, thick lines, fast,slow to create
a picture. Rather than dwell in one theme like other artists,I explore,
and try to show the viewer a different view of the world.
Vita / Lebenslauf:
New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts
University of New Orleans
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Academy Gallery, 2016, 2017
New Orleans Art Center, 2016, 2017
Abita Springs Group Show,May 2016
Solo Abstract Show,Gallery 421,Covington,La.July2010
Abita Springs Group Show,April 2016
Jean Bragg Gallery Group Show, 2008
Academy Gallery Plein Air Show, 2008
Paintings can be seen:
Arts Market at Palmer Park,New Orleans