Sonia Ben Achoura
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Acryl
Stil: Minimal / Konzeptkunst
Vita / Lebenslauf:
About me:
A London based self-taught painter, I have been categorized as both a visionary and conceptual artist. My interest in psychology and buddhism is reflected in my artwork, in particular due to my in depth exploration of the mandala structure -also through Jung's writings. My artwork at present consists of commissions for paintings, sculptures and large scale backdrops(up to 6 metres high). My latest three backdrops are large scale Tibetan thangkas depicting deities. I was at first a trained dancer and choreographer, having specialized at Martha Graham contemporary dance school in NY. I am currently exploring the other side of art, psychology, initiating a masters degree.
I am currently writing a book that aims at defining my art concept and compiling all former artwork- latest developments on this will be posted on this page.
The concept of Enlightenment has guided
the Interdimensional project for more than
a decade. Man/Woman, standing in the cosmos,
growing towards the Light physically, mentally,
spiritually as the Vitruvian Man would.
Beams of light emanate from the divine
source and interact with human information.
The chackras are depicted in their corresponding colours.
A robotic template, a blueprint,
from which all human form emerges.
This is a chanelled painting. In this composition,
loaded with meaning, the eyes of conscience are watching from above.
A holographic template for all that lives is depicted, in a scale that encompasses all known life forms, from the single cell to insects, animals, humans, our planet Earth, galaxies and the Universe.
The face is an ever changing watery screen- as in meditation.
Chackras and mudras of the hands help navigating time and
The body is a temple from which mind navigates Time.
is another attempt at painting the invisible. The wind is
blowing through the branches, which reach up towards the
warming sun that is shining through. As drops of rain fall,
its delicate roots obtain nourishment from a cosmic ocean.
This phenomenon is depicted by concentric rings of energy
surrounding the roots endings.
It is alive, a multidimensional being experiencing its freedom
to exist among all elements, air, wind, space, fire, and water.
This painting originates from a dream of a city existing in another
planet. The source of it may be my longing for experiencing life
among impossible architecture, vivid colours -resembling nature-
and dynamic angles. Violent reds against soothing blues, rain falling
from an alien sky, and an unknown moon reflecting on the water.
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
My artwork has been used as Yellow Magnetic Star's CD artwork for both his 'Son of the Light' and 'Mandala of Light'. My artwork is regularly on display in various London venues as well as in South America and Asia, either displaying paintings in galleries, decorating events with the large-scale backdrops and buddhist Tibetan thangkas. Commission work is ongoing. Laser prints are available at reduced price.