Serena Stevens
P.O. Box 15338
0 Adliya
+973 39818551
Kunstart: Zeichnung
Technik: Pastell
Stil: Abstrakt
Influenced by Turner, Rothko and other American Colour Field painters, seascapes, the wilderness and wide, open spaces are reflected in often rigid, horizontal lines and bands that form the basis of my painting. Though rarely able to actually immerse myself in such environments, an instinctive desire provokes an emotional response to their remoteness, beauty and fragility. I paint from memory allowing my imagination to bind past or recent experiences of unseen rhythms and nuances into spontaneously and intuitively made contemporary landscapes.
Although strongly motivated by colour, the self-reflective nature of my work is frequently expressed through a monochromatic palette and whilst I like to experiment with other mediums my preference is for soft chalk pastel and its sensual tactility. The luminosity of pastel, even when painting subtle hues and minimal blends, results in a deep resonance giving my drawings and paintings an intense sense of quietude in which I seek to reveal the inner life of nature by reducing it to its purest form.
Beginning with a single horizontal line I have no fixed idea about where that line will lead. My paintings are rarely planned but the direction takes a natural path dictated by the material’s random response to my actions. Every new mark explores a different possibility until a crucial point is reached - the process is then controlled and intentional until the desired outcome is finally achieved.
Acting as an imaginary balancing bar, the horizontal line, which has been imprinted on my psyche since childhood and inspired by an appreciation for modern ceramics and 1950’s contemporary design, expresses expansiveness, freedom and equilibrium, whilst the addition of vertical strokes and marks suggest barriers and limitations still to be overcome. My work is allegorical. Each new piece reveals more than merely shifting patterns of nature; duality, humanity and the perpetual flux of existence emerge for consideration.
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Born 10 January 1964, Surrey, England
Studied at Reigate School of Art and Design, Reigate, Surrey, England
Lives and works in Bahrain
After 4 years of Art and Design college in the UK I followed a path into graphic design and worked in London until leaving for the Middle East 2 years later where I spent 16 years as a designer, 13 of them working freelance. In 1999 I began painting and have been developing my work ever since.
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Exhibitions and Events:
Bahrain Contemporary Art Association Women Artists and Creativity Group Show June 2002
Multi-Cultural Art Exhibition Multicultural Crossroads Group Show July 2004
Bahrain Fine Arts Society Annual Exhibition 2004 Group Show Sept 2004
Shehrezad, Bahrain International Arts Exhibition Group Show Nov 2005
Elham Arts Group, Bahrain Showcase & Arts Discussion Joint Presentation May 2007
Elham Arts Group, Bahrain 'Live Art' 3 day live event March 2008
Elham Arts Group, Bahrain Showcase & Arts Discussion Joint Event Feb 2009
Bahrain Fine Arts Society Annual Exhibition 2009 Group Event March 2009
Culture Vultures Bahrain Art House Open Studios Group Event April 2009
Bahrain National Museum Elham Summer Arts Festival Group Event May 2009
Member of: Elham Arts Group, Bahrain, Bahrain Fine Arts Society, (APS) Awali Photographic Society
Works on display and in private collections in: Bahrain, Bali, Cyprus, England.
Driven to Destruction
200 x 200 x 2 cm
Preis: 5.000 Euro
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Untitled - Tundra II
88 x 54 cm
Preis: 900 Euro
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