Nick Carle
USA (United States)
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Nick (Grub) Carle lives in Lee Vining, California, where he cringes in the rain shadow of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. He often finds himself terrified and perplexed by the world and his paintings are an attempt to come to terms with this experience.
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Born 1982 in Mammoth, CA, USA.
Bachelor of Fine Arts from Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, USA (2006).
Currently working in Lee Vining, CA, USA.
Major influences include Kokoschka, Beckmann, Grosz, Philip Guston, Munch, Helnwein, Kiefer, Rouault,Hector Berlioz, Charles Bukowski, Celine,Gustav Mahler, R. Crumb, Schiele, DeKooning...
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
October 2004: \\\\\\\"Recent Paintings 2003-04\\\\\\\" The Fickle Hill Gallery, Arcata, CA.
March 2005:\\\\\\\"Grub with Jake Stanhouse: New Work\\\\\\\" The Fickle Hill Gallery, Arcata, CA, USA.
April 2005: \\\\\\\"Honors Student Group Exhibition\\\\\\\" The Karchner Lounge at Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, USA.
October 2005: \\\\\\\"Grub, Jake Stanhouse, Vicky Molina, Megan Atherton: Similar messages with different styles\\\\\\\". The 11th Street Gallery, Arcata, CA, USA.
March 2006: \\\\\\\"Arts Alive\\\\\\\" at Ramones Bakery, Eureka, CA, USA. With the Ian Fays musical accompaniment.
April 2006: \\\\\\\"Arts Arcata\\\\\\\" at the Old Creamery Gallery, Arcata, CA, USA. With Luke Forsythe and Jake Stanhouse.
May 2006: \\\\\\\"E-Squared Gallery Invitational\\\\\\\" at the E-Squared Gallery, Eureka, CA, USA.
July 2006: \\\\\\\"New Paintings\\\\\\\" Opening of the Sierra Art Cooperative, Lee Vining, CA, USA.
December 2006: \\\\\\\"E-Squared Invitational\\\\\\\" E-Squared Gallery, Eureka, CA, USA.
December 2006: \\\\\\\"The Great Grub Auction\\\\\\\" at the Fickle Hill Gallery, Arcata, CA, USA. Elliott Brooks Auctioneer.