Giuseppe De_Vincenti
Italien (Italia)
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Giuseppe De Vincenti, was born in 1954 in Acri (Cs). He studied at the University of Calabria to bachelor in foreign languages and at the same time he dedicated to painting. Frequent journeys in Italy and abroad, particularly to France, approached him to contemporary painting paths. In 1980 he established in Brescia and began to study Mediterranean landscape, first theme of his pictorial research.
In these years his painting received acknowledgments from critics: in 1994, at the national painting competition of Suzzara (Mn); in 1996, at the national watercolor competition “Durini Foundation” in Nova Milanese. Again in 1998 one of his works was signalized by the judging committee of “Mondadori Art” Prize and published on the homonymous magazine.
He lives and works in Brescia and maintains constant relationships with his native earth, that became sight and “mental place” for his whole painting. He participates to personal and collective exhibitions from 1979. De Vincenti\\\'s work has been exhibited in galleries around the country, and is represented in private and public collections in Italy and France.
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
1992 Galleria Prospettive grafiche - Brescia Il paesaggio dell’arte, Galleria Aab - Brescia
1994 Galleria L’aura. Arte contemporanea - Brescia
1994 Identità , chiesa del Carmine - Brescia
1994 XXXIV Premio nazionale di pittura - Suzzara (Mn)
1995 Di-segno erotico, L’aura. Arte contemporanea - Brescia
1996 Diurna notte, chiesa dei Santi Filippo e Giacomo - Brescia
1996 XII Premio nazionale dell’acquerello “Durini” - Nova Milanese
1998 Premio di pittura “Donato Frisia” - Merate (Lc)
1998 Premio Arte Mondadori - Milano
1998 Galleria Ikonos - Acri (Cs)
1999 Quadri di realtà , Galleria L’Officina - Brescia
1999 Galleria Paracelso - Bologna
2000 Oltre il cielo, oltre la terra, Palazzo Falcone - Sanseverino - Acri (Cs)
2000 Galleria Ponterosso -Milano
2000 Di luce e ombra, Auditorium Banca di Credito Cooperativo dell\\\'Agro Bresciano - Ghedi (Bs)
2002 Paesaggi e figure, chiesa dei Santi Filippo e Giacomo - Brescia
2003 La memoria e il mare, Palazzo Campagna - Corigliano Calabro (Cs)
2003 Tra cielo, terra e mare, Galleria L’albero - Ivrea
2005 Arte contemporanea Marchina - Brescia
2005 Paesaggio...oltre, Galleria Aab - Brescia
2007 Paesaggio...oltre, Villa Geno - Como
2007 Le ombre del giorno, Castello Sforzesco Soncino (Cr)
2007 Pittura e pittura, S. Felice del Benaco (Bs)