Erik ReeL
PO Box 3373
97208 Portland, Oregon
USA (United States)
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Mischtechnik
Stil: Abstrakt
Current work investigates the nature of human marking and the reading of a two-dimensional surface, employing sgraffiti, grafitti, and painterly techniques. The work is primarily liquid acrylic and pastels and is totally improvisational and un-premeditated. It is intended as a critique of the prevailing materialism of American culture and seeks to push painting toward a pure painting and away from current tendencies to regard painting as a material object, in particular as a three-dimensional form. Matieralism wants to consider everything primordially as an object, but this painting seeks to deny that and consider a painting as first and foremost an arena of consciousness, an image, an arena for mark-making that is read or felt, but not taken in its materiality or as an object of market value as its primary reality.
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Whitman College, Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley
BA Univ of Washington, summa cum laude
Selected Shows
[from over 120 group and 40 solo exhibitions]:
Erik ReeL : Zero Point, solo, GraySpace Gallery, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Art For Living, Czong Institute of Contemporary Art [CICA Museum], Seoul, South Korea
Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio, USA
Objects of Impossibility: Contemporary Abstraction, curated: Nathan Vonk, Sullivan Goss: An American Gallery, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Erik ReeL : Full Circle, solo, Morris Graves Museum of Art, Eureka, California, USA
Art For the Earth, Post-Modern, Washington, D.C., USA
Out of the Great Wide Open, Museum of Contemporary Art, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Rebar, solo, Museum of Ventura County, Ventura, California, USA
Tabula Rasa, solo, 643 Project Space, Ventura, California, USA
Markings I, II, and III. Three solo shows. B Street Guerilla Gallery, Oxnard, and Vita Art Center, Ventura, California, USA
Epocha Nueva, El Fuego del Futuro, Casa Del Mexicano, Santa Paula, California, USA
Signs of a Lost Civilization, solo, Laurel Ventura, California, USA
Print Electronico, Buenos Aires, Argentina
71st SAGA Annual Print Exhibition, Society of American Graphic Artists (SAGA), New York City
24th National ArtLink Print Exhibition, ArtLink Contemporary Art Center, Fort Wayne Indiana, USA
17th Parkside National Print Exposition, University of Wisconsin
Faces of Woman, Las Vegas Center for Art and Design, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Landscape Unlimited, Chicago
7th Annual Montpelier National, Montpelier, Virginia, USA
17th Annual National, McNeese State Universtiy; curated: Matthew Druit, Senior Curatorm, Menil Collection, Houston, USA
Signal + Noise, scrim for composer Patrick Lindley, Center for Research in Electronic Art TEchnology (CREATE), Media Arts and Technology (MAT) lab, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Lisa Kurts, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Artists For World Peace, Karpeles Museum, Santa Barbara, California; Kobe, Japan
Henry Art Gallery Museum, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
East / West Dialogue, curated Gene Barto, Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York
Night Voices, sound collage with Sue Ann Harkey, Seattle Art Museum
Kodak International, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., USA
Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, Center on Contemporary Art (COCA), traveling exhibition, North America.
City of Seattle Collects, curated Howard Fox, Seattle Art Museum, USA
Figure / Narrative, solo, Whatcom County Museum, Bellingham, Washington, USA
Solo, Cornish Institute for the Arts, Seattle, USA
Seattle Pacific University
Faces of the Dead, solo, Evergreen State University, Olympia, Washington, USA
Dale Chihuly et al., Foster/White, Seattle, USA
Northwest Annual, Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, Washington, USA
6500 x 20: International Color Xerox 6500 Invitational, and/or alternative space, Seattle
1977 International Flux Fest, curated: George Maciunas, and/or alternative space, Seattle
National Drawing Show, curated Wayne Thiebaud, Del Mar Museum, Corpus Christie, Texas
Works primarily in liquid acrylics combined with various drawing media, such as soft pastels. Pioneered heat-set art serigraphs which exhibit superior color depth, a wider range of transparency, and more robust surface qualities than traditional art serigraph inks.
"ReeL's technique exhibits a high degree of transparency, layering, sfgraffito and graffitto, with a strong sense of hand, the hand-made, and an absence of any references to the material world. This work can be seen as a thorough-going critique of materialism, the machine or machine-made, and the triumph of feeling over the manufactured. For ReeL, marking is a defining characteristic of the human and the primordial act of signification and meaning for human consciousness." [Nikki Arconi]
Born in Seattle, in 1952, Erik ReeL has had over a three dozen solo exhibitions and 100 group shows, including the Brooklyn Museum of Art, the Society of Graphic Artists [SAGA], New York City, the Seattle Art Museum, and the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C. His work is in collections arond the world, including New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Berlin, London, Paris, Barcelona, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Seattle, Santa Fe, Houston, and Indianapolis.
Attended Whitman College, majoring in mathematics; the University of Washington in mathematics, art history and studio art; University of California, Berkeley. Studied art history with Rainer Crone, painting with Jacob Lawrence and Michael Spafford, sumi-e with George Tsutakawa, Chinese brush with Hsai Chen.
Wrote on art for Vanguard, ArtExpress, High Performance, ArtWeek, Bellevue Journal-American, Seattle Voice. Seattle Arts Commission Special Task Force for media, and Special Task Force for educational Institutions in the late 70s. Taught art history, color theory, life painting, and design at Seattle Central Community College for 5 years before leaving Seattle in 1984. Currently based in the San BuenaVentura valley north of Los Angeles.
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Morris Graves Museum of Art, Eureka, California
Museum of Contemporary Art, Santa Barbara, California
Czong Institute of Contemporary Art, Seoul. South Korea
Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York
Society of American Graphic Artists, New York City
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Center on Contemporary Art (COCA), Seattle, Los Angeles, New York City (traveling)
Landscape Unlimited, Chicago
Artists for World Peace, Kobe, Japan
International Flux Fest, Seattle, New York City, Tokyo
Seattle Art Museum
ArtLink Contemporary, Indiana
University of Wisconsin
McNeese State University, curated: Matthew Pruit, Menil Collection, Houston
101, Los Angeles
Art-Pic, Los Angeles
Montpelier Center for the Arts, Virginia
Seattle Pacific University (solo)
University of California, Santa Barbara (solo)
Bellevue Art Museum, Washington
New Mexico Highlands Univ, Santa Fe
Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington
Lisa Kurts Gallery, Memphis
Whatcom County Museum, Washington
Mazey Hickey Gallery, Seattle
Del Mar Museum, Texas
Dale Chihuly, et. al., Foster\\\\\\\\White, Seattle
Alexander Sasanoff, Seattle (solo)