Emily Kalina
Naples Rd, 89
2446 Brookline
USA (United States)
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Aquarell
Stil: Abstrakt
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Emily Kalina grew up in Vermont and New Hampshire where she gained appreciation for color in the natural world. She started painting with watercolors in high school and went on to study illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design. After living and showing her work in Northern Vermont, Western Massachusetts and living in Providence RI where she went to art school she traveled to Florence, Italy where she lived for six months. As of November of 2008 she has moved back to the U.S. where she makes her home in the Boston area. She paints in her home studio primarily with watercolors to create abstract work, landscapes, and commissioned work.
Kalina’s work is currently represented by W Gallery and Studios in Sacramento, CA and can be seen at Studio Hop in Providence, RI. Her work has been shown in several local Providence galleries such as Gallery Z and Picture This Frame Shop. In addition to painting she also teaches aspiring artists of all ages.
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