Frankreich (France)
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Stil: Realismus
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Stéphane CZYBA has shown his work since 1980, from London to Lyon, Quito and Port-au-Prince among others.
He chose to capture critical transient moments of ordinary life as well as tragedies and upheavals, ranging from civil wars to the simple serenity of family life.
Notwithstanding the photographic precision of the technique used in the paintings, the point is not to imitate a camera but to release snapshots of destroyed life and trivial daily experience.
Spending 6 years in Haiti and trying to celebrate the sad anniversary of the Haitian independence (1804-2004) initiated the Quito exhibition of June 2005 at the Guayasamìn Foundation. The idea was to present 50 pieces –oil on canvas- as a reminder of the deep misery of the Haitian people.
To recall also what makes up the magic of Haiti: a mixture of blood, death, voodoo, music and aesthetics.
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
1980 Londres
1984 Lyon
1989 Lyon
1991 Port-au-Prince
1992 Port-au-Prince
1993 Port-au-Prince
1995 Port-au-Prince
1996 Port-au-Prince
1997 Albi
1998 La Bastide
2005 Quito
2006 Port-au-Prince
2007 Port-au-Prince
2008 Cruas