robert Morse
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Kunstart: Fotografie
Technik: Digitalfotografie
Stil: Surrealismus
Robert Morse has been taking photographs most of his life but never seriously until late in 2007. Robert was born in Southern California then moved to Europe at the age of with his mother where he spent the next three years. After some time spent with his father he finally settled in again with his mother on the central coast of California. After a short time he found himself in the folds of what would turn out to be a twenty-five year drinking career. After many years bouncing around from coast to coast Robert found himself homeless again in Lake Tahoe and decided to change his life. In January of 2007 a kind soul gave him ride to a homeless shelter in Reno and his new journey began. His photography and art is not only a reflection of that journey, but more to the point, it is a change of perspective how he looks at life. This is best said in his own words. “Art and beauty can be found anywhere. What may appear to be ugly and ordinary at first glance becomes, with only a slight change of view, the beautiful and extraordinary.”
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