benjamin spenceley
10 thornydyke ave
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Stil: Abstrakt
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Born in BoLton
(Greater Manchester, England)
on 26.02.1986 approx 08:30am
my WORK dosnt encompasses a
wide range of techniques only
Basic line drawings then fill
in the colour with poster
marker done on varied ranges of canvases
in my art work i try to dipict a mixture of popculture
and personal energy that i
feel while listening to music.
Music is a big influence and i try to put my personal
image of sound onto canvas.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'aS I iNduLge iN tHe MaGiCal worlD oF eXcEss,
i ReAch oUt fOr rEdEmPtIoN thRouGH mY sElFiSh ART WORK,
tO fiND thE OnLy rEwArD iS
A kiCk in tHe tEeTh aNd MouTh uLsErS,
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen: