hebe b. alioto
1428 buenos aires - capital
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Stil: Klassische Moderne
Vita / Lebenslauf:
She had study arts in the University of Cordoba, Argentina, after she continues in Paris in the Ecole de Beaux Arts.- The artist had made many exhibition in arts gallery and Arts Musseon , in Buenos AIres, Argentina and European country like Italy, Florence, Paris France, also in Tunisia , country where she used to live.-In the present the artist live and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina.-Because she hade live in Tunisia she have oriental influence in her works.-
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
From the early age of 14th , she have made many exhibition in the arts galleries and arts Musseon , The last activity of the artist , participated in the the Biennale of Arts in Florence, 2001.- Arts Point Gallery, Italy.- BIennal of Arts in Tunisia Kairouan , Arts Center exhibition , 2002 .- Biennale of Arts in Tunisia, Tunez , Ecume 2006 .- In Argentina, Bourse of Comerce , Buehos Aires 2007.- Musseon of Arts Rogelio Yrurtia, Buenos Aires, 2008.-