Yuichiro Ando
United States
category: Painting
technique: Oilpainting
Style: Abstract
Beauty is fleeting and ephemeral. The sickness of war, our selfishness and cowardice further taint our visions and hopes. Our bodies, aging, decomposing, our flesh and organs “Like roses that were the loveliest.” –from “The Rose” by Pierre Ronsard
Bio / Resumee / Statement:
Yuichiro Ando’s paintings attempt to uncover the truth underneath beauty’s comforting skin. He corners her, and interrogates, on the one hand like a journalist exposing corporate and governmental crime, and on the other like a CIA agent torturing a detainee, he exposes his own malevolence. Beauty can only be seen through our eyes, eyes that are sick from the world that we have created. So, with the blood on our hands and in our body, Yuichiro Ando paints his version of the truth.
Andrea Gurewich