Manolis Anastasakos
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Mischtechnik
Stil: Street Art
During 2010, Greece came under the supervision of IMF and EU. The fear of poverty and financial recession has built up a feeling of social unrest. Memories of the Greek riots of 2008, according to the media, have created the expectation in Greece and abroad, of a new, more violent riot.
Influenced by this atmosphere, i create a series of actions. At the time i want to give form to feelings intuitively provoked by the signs of unrest we received from all around us. I use the objects and figures as symbols that were plentifully scattered in the ruins of my society. I draw metaphors for the financially devastated country.
I doubt the efficiency of violent rioting and search for a new way. Essentially i have found nothing yet, however, i enjoy searching.
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Born in Athens , Greece in 1977.
Studies :
2008 Fine Arts, Visual and Applied Arts Department, University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
2007 Art Therapy in Thessaloniki, (Art therapy center of north Greece)
2005 Film directing in Serbia, (Workshop Emir Kusturica)
2002 Agiography in Athens, (Bouzianis Foundation)
2001 Set Design in Athens, (Workshop M.Haniotaki)
2000 Technical - Professional Lyceum of Athens, in the Applied Arts field.
1996 Glassmaking in Crete island, (Workshop R.Zabetakis)
1995 Woodcarving in Lesvos island, (Workshop G.Sikomitelis)
Awards :
2008 2nd intercontinental Bienalle of small graphics. 5th award ( Aiud / Roumania)
2006 Photographica Art “Arte Laguna”, 1st award (Treviso / Italy)
2005 Voice your ideas-Change the future, 1st award in billboard art. (Athens/Greece)
National Scholarships :
2002 – 2003 – 2005- 2006 . (Foundation of National Scholarships/Greece)
-Personal Exhibitions:
2008 minimax. Gallery Fizz. (Athens / Greece )
2009 minimax max. Gallery Artforum. (Thessaloniki / Greece )
2011 personhood, Gallery Fizz. (Athens / Greece )
Selected Team Exhibitions:
1999 Painting, Sculpture, Multimedia , Melina Mercouri culture center (Athnes / Greece)
2000 Painting, Sculpture, Multimedia .Lithographic Establishment of Piraeus Street (Piraeus / Greece)
2003 Antiwar. Museum of Byzantine Musical Instruments (Thessaloniki / Greece)
10th International Meeting of New Artists. Ministry of Culture (Didimoticho / Greece)
3rd Piraeus Festival. 200 new artists. (Piraeus / Greece )
International Peripheral Exhibition of Plastic Arts and Applied Arts.(Thessalonica / Greece)
2004 The olive tree in Greek engraving. Engraving Museum. (Messini / Greece)
Paraolympic games .War Museum (Thessalonica / Greece)
Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 28th Olympic games,sculpting & painting workshops. (Athens / Greece)
Art is in your doorstep! Program sponsored by EEC. Painting & sculpting. (Denizli-Turkey)
Olympic Armstice , Aristotel Universite. (Thessaloniki / Greece)
3rd National student Biennale. (Crete / Greece)
2005 International art school – Transition-no,it is’n art – with Emir Kusturica (Mokra Gora / Serbia)
Young Artists In Teloglion Museum (Thessaloniki / Greece)
1st exhibition of modern art B.A.L.A , (Tripoli / Greece )
EX LIBRIS, 2nd Engraving Trienalle. (Lefkada / Greece)
Contemporary Greek artists . Αrchaeological museum, (Thessaloniki / Greece)
Voice your ideas-Change the future.1st price -Category Billboards . Gallery Bios (Greece / Athens)
2006 Synergeia. State Museum of contemporary art. (Thessaloniki/Greece )
Art in the front page. Benaki Museum (Athens / Greece)
Inter art.International Biennale of small Graphics. (Auid / Romania)
ΕU logo competition (Berlin / Germany)
3rd international drawing competition.(Wroclaw / Poland)
5th Art Festival for the human rights.>Wo(+)Man. (Greece)
Art Festival (Novisad / Serbia)
2nd exhibition of modern B.A.L.A, (Tripoli / Greece)
5th National student Biennale . (Crete / Greece)
Terminal 00, (Ljubljana / Slovenia)
bwdp 1(beware of digital prints), Neapolis Engraving Center,(Thessaloniki/ Greece)
2007 18th international biennale of humor & satire. (Gabrovo / Bulgaria)
The civilization of the olive tree. Byzantine Museum.(Athens / Greece)
Athens video art festival. (Athens / Greece)
Printmaking exhibition.Five European Universities ( Talin / Estonia)
2nd International competition of figurative painting and sculpture. (Madrid/Spain)
European Photo competition for Diversity-Breaking Stereotypes (Berlin /Germany)
1st Biennale Thessalonikis. Public Screen.State museum of contemporary art (Greece)
LACDA,(SNAP TO GRID)Los Angeles Center of Digital Art, (LosAngeles/America)
International Photographica Art “Arte Laguna”Gallery Avogadro, ( Treviso/Italy)
W6. Neapolis Engraving Center Helios. (Thessaloniki / Greece )
2008 Art in the front page. Benaki Museum (Athens / Greece)
2nd Biennial of Small Graphics. 5th Distinction (Aiud/Romania)
1st mixed media show. What is White? Ada Street Gallery (London / England)
Synch Festival New Media.Greek State Museum of contemporary art (Thessalonica / Greece)
2nd Trienalle EX LIBRIS. (Lefkada / Greece)
Festival du Vent. Les Amis du Vent (Calvi / Corsica / France)
Festambiente. Taste 4art. Legambiente (Grosseto / Toscana / Italy)
Strange Screen.Macedonia Museum of contemporary art (Thessalonica / Greece)
International photo contest – My world. (Nikon / Japan)
Art Tech Media. ( Cordoba / Spain)
10 years engraving, M.I.E.T. (Thessaloniki / Greece)
DigitalArt.LA L.A.C.D.A Los Angeles
2009 31th international film festival. Media forum, (Moscow / Russia)
Museum Katraki. (Aitoliko / Greece)
Museum of Contemporary Art. (Florina / Greece )
Viva LA Art. (Los Angeles / U.S.A)
Urban Art 2. Technopolis- Konstantinos Kavafis hall. (Athens / Greece)
G.Tsakiris and 123 artists. Vafopoulio Coltural Center.(Thessaloniki / Greece)
2010 Art Athina Fair. (Athens / Greece)
Vernal Agreement. Technohoros Art Gallery. (Athens / Greece)
Coming soon. Fizz gallery. (Athens / Greece)
Lembessiart2010. (Athens / Greece)
Holy art? Lola Nikolaou Gallery (Thessaloniki/Greece)
2011 Crosstalk video art festival . (Budapest / Hungary)
Homo Sapiens in Love. Booze Cooperativa .(Athens / Greece)
Perfection, utopia of woman . MOYA museum of young Art. (Vienna / Austria)
Eat it. Art Prisma Gallery. ( Athens / Greece)
Athens video art Festival. (Athens / Greece)
Art Salon. Art forum Gallery. (Athens / Greece)
Urban Art III. Art Expertise. (Athens / Greece)
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
He worked as :
Assistant Scenographer: set design
2002 Digenis Akritas (Theatrical show, directed by N. Koundouros) Athens Festival, Herodium Theater / Greece
Destroy All Brains (Short film, directed by D. Emmanouilidis) Greece
2000 Bad luck for the grum to see the bride before the wedding(Short Film directed by J.Gaitanidis)
Set designe award in Drama Festival . Greece
Scenographer: set design
1999 Papadiamantis' Easter Short Stories (Theatrical Performance, Lesvos / Greece)
Ross Daily Concert (Leimonos Monastery of Lesvos Island / Greece)
2000 MAD TV Station / Greece (music TV)
2001 Amanita muscaria (short Film directed by G. Geranios) Greece
2005 Aurora (Short Film directed by Eklof Isabella) Serbia
2005 Wedding Cabbage (Short Film directed by Zeljko Mirkovic)Serbia
2009 Mess story(Short Film directed by Elina Hatzakou) Greece
He worked as :
2002 1st Graffiti Exhibition in Greece (Goethe, German Lingua Institute of Athens / Greece).
2003 Balkan Youth Festival (Pictorial Department, Platamon - Thessaloniki / Greece)
2004 6th festival Μητέρα-Οικογένεια ,Δήμος Θεσσαλονίκης & Κ.Μ.ΕΕ – Κ.Π.Μ, Θεσσαλονίκη
2006 3rd Symposium Art Therapy. Macedonian Museum of Contemporary art (Thessalonica /Greece)
3rd Symposium Art Therapy. Foundation of the Hellenic world (Athens /Greece)
82 x 77 cm
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Cover Truth
80 x 80 cm
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80 x 80 cm
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holy family in blue
80 x 80 cm
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