Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Aquarell
Stil: Abstrakt
These original artworks show Amiras diversity in Abstract Expressionism. Her works in Acrylic Oil and Watercolor are all a reflection of her deep need to experience transformation.
Her Photographic works are of recent years done in California and an excellent outlet for her passion for beauty
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Amira wurde 1972 in Wien geboren.Amira El fohail ist ein Autodidakt, abstrakter Malerin aus Österreich. Während Amira verschiedenen Formen der Kunst im Laufe ihres Lebens schaffte war es erst 2005, nachdem sie nach San Francisco CA zog, dass sie bewegte mit der Erstellung ihrer Kunst auf Vollzeitbasis umzusteigen.Derzeit lebt und arbeitet sie in Wien.
Amira El fohail is a self-taught, abstract painter from Austria. While Amira has been creating art in various forms throughout her life it was not until 2005, after she moved to San Francisco CA that she started creating her art on a full-time basis.
Internally driven, and emotionally charged,Amira´s original abstract art and mixed media paintings have been described as " fun and uplifting".Amira works in a wide variety of mediums. When viewing Amira's portfolio for the first time one is under the belief that the works presented are the creations of several talented artists. The diverse collections however are the efforts of just one. Explosive abstract art paintings, contemporary mixed media collage art, recycled art, spiritual paintings are just some of the styles you will uncover when you delve into the fine art world of Amira El Fohail.