
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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Alessandro Nesci

Italien (Italia)

Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Stil: Expressionismus

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Vita / Lebenslauf:
Hello good people! I hope you have good time with good art, created with commitment, dedication, study, sacrifice and interest for the culture.

I started to draw, paint and create stories as a child. Interest in the art of the period of Expressionism was born in the days of the Academy, when I was crazy and rebellious. Or at least I showed it more openly.
At the moment I find it extremely relaxing doing pen drawings: through them I let great historical personalities come to life again. The thousands of lines I draw attain to define the faces of these great men, who have given so much to the antique world, to history and to our modern world. Outstanding characters which are symbols of power, models of morality and virtue. I find it intriguing that one unique mistake can compromise the patient work of long days and hours of drawing. At the very same way a different event in the past could have changed the flow of events in history. I have always felt a fascination for drawing since I was a child. I was fascinated by the idea of translating fantasy stories or even the first knowledge I got in school in images. I remember my notebooks: they were full of stories with drawings and illustrations of what I was learning at school. This is the way I learned new techniques and I improved my abilities: pencil, charcoal, pen, oil-colours, acrylics, using different styles and painting supports. I have painted soft and wavy landscapes, which sometimes are rough and separated by plains. I saw these landscapes in Rome as I was a child and they come to my mind in my every day life. This is the Nature where History traces overlap and they get, in turn, enveloped by Nature. There is a continuous and silent conflict between these two elements. These conflict, together with Rome and its history, its streets, its ruins and of course its colours is the leit motiv of my work. These themes are here, at your fingertips. It's present history. I cannot describe with words what exactly I feel when I'm surrounded by these "strong" landscapes and I try to paint them. I have completed my knowledge on image studying and acquiring certificates on web design and commercial art and working as a graphic designer. At the moment I work in the Public School as an art teacher. I took part in many collective exhibits. I live in Rome and I have got a private study in my house. You can contact me for requests, information or commission by email:

Web Site:

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
2015 VENICE BIENNALE INDIPENDENT - "My House" project of public art and artists by Mr. Shi Jinsong - space "Alessandro Nesci's House", Venice, Italy;

2015 VENICE BIENNALE INDIPENDENT - CYBERSPACE - "My House" parallel project of public art and artists, by Mr. Shi Jinsong - Cyberspace "Alessandro Nesci's House";

2015 Convention Center Engineering of University of Rome Tor Vergata - Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome Tor Vergata in the Conference SMARTOURISM-EXPO, organized by the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy;

2013 Exhibition Hall Museo Emilio Greco, sponsored by the European Union, MIBAC , Lazio Region, the Province of Latina , City of Sabaudia, Sabaudia (Latina) ;

2013 ' Storie Di- Segni " Artist's Book Festival , sponsored by the City of Rome, in collaboration with the Libraries of Rome and Zètema Cultural Center, Gabriella Ferri, Rome ;

2013 "The Invisible in to Visible", X International Symposium of University Professors, Protomoteca Hall , Capitol Museums, Rome ;

2013 "The Invisible in to Visible", an exhibition of contemporary sacred art, as part of the "Week of the Arts" Capital City of Rome, organized by Campus Ministry Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts Rome and the Papal Insignia Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al Pantheon, Church of Santa Maria in Portae Paradisi, Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Rome;

2012: Tell us about your Rome, "La Repubblica" newspaper, competition;

2012: S'offrire, an exhibition of contemporary sacred art, as part of the "Week of the Arts" Capital City of Rome, organized by Campus Ministry Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome Illustrious and the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al Pantheon, Church of Santa Maria in Portae Paradisi, Rome ;

NUDE WITH STOCKING (Tribute to Adolf Erbslöh)
96 x 71 x 2 cm
Preis: 1.600 Euro
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