
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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Ying Huang


Kunstart: Fotografie
Technik: Digitalfotografie
Stil: Surrealismus

On the matter of art views, aesthetic ideals and the daily life attitude, Huang Ying not only extends her daily life grace and refine in her works, but also makes them transfigured and varied. This art phenomenon can be understood as an extraordinary art form and taste, or a grace and refine beyond an ordinary meaning. As to her art features,we can sense them from the figures in her works ,that is, Huang Ying’s own extraordinary gestures, her extraordinary eyesight and the extraordinary flowers, space perpectives and the extraordinary combination of human and flower. And at the same time we can still sense a sense of penetration and the grace and refine in it. Theoretically, grace and refine is contraditory and conflicting to an extraordinariness, while Huang Ying would have discovered and made an art of grace beyond this extraordinariness. And we have to say that she is donated with a unique art affection and an innovation capability. From a viewpoint of art history, she can be said to have added another new style to the art tradition so that the grace aesthetics is made more multiplied and enriched in their forms.
by:Yuejin Zou
Art critic,Professor of China Central Academy of Fine Art

Vita / Lebenslauf:
Born in Hunan, China
Studied in Photographic Dept.,Beijing Film Academy and
Studied in Oil Painting Dept.,Central Academy of Fine Arts,Beijing
Working and living as an professional artist in Beijing now

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
2011 My Mirrored Realm, Huang Ying's Solo Exhibiton,Today Art Museum,Beijing
2011 No Absence Inaugural Exhibition of Wenxuan Art Museum 2011, Chengdu
2010 2010 Screenage Art Document Exhibition, Songzhuang Art Museum,Beijing
2009 Remix and Share, Creative Commons Art Exhibition, Inter Gallery,Beijing
2009 Enantiomorphous Art of Female, White Box Museum, Beijing
2009 Park Art Fair International © Geneva 2009
2009 "Enlightenment" contemporary female art exhibition, Beijing
2008 Art Miami 2008 , 798 Avant Gallery
2008 Olympic Fine Arts 2008, Beijing
2008 Chinese Situation-contemporary art exhibition , Beijing
2008 The Documental Exhibition of Chinese Comtemproary Art , Beijing
2007 Rich Colors, Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Comtempoary Female Artist, GuanShanYue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
2007 History : Memory and Re-memory Wall Art Gallery Beijing
2006 Blooming, Huang Ying Atelier Open Doors Exhibition of Liquor Factory International Art Complex Beijing
2006 Varied Image---Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Comtemporary Paintings Shanghai Art Museum
2005 My Own Way-The New Power of Chinese Oilpainting
Guangzhou Art Fair
2005 The Collection Exhibition of Beijing Century Hanmo Gallery
2004 "Individual Space",2nd Shanghai Spring Art Salon

Flying Bird 2009
136 x 160 cm
verkäuflich (Preis auf Anfrage)
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