Toos van Holstein
Korendijk 56
4331 HP Middelburg
Niederlande (Nederland)
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Stil: Expressionismus
Toos van Holstein: "for me art is travelling the mind"
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Toos van Holstein (1949) studied art and art history at the Academy in Tilburg, where she received her diploma in 1978. She taught aesthetics from 1970 to 1990.
In 1983 she had her first exhibition of oil paintings. Since then, she has regularly exhibited her oil-paintings, water-colors, stone lithographs and bronze artworks in The Netherlands and other countries at a number of well-known galleries and art fairs.
Since 2003, when the election of the Dutch Artist of the Year started, Toos van Holstein has always been among the 20 most popular artists of the country together with for example already world-famous artists as Karel Appel, Corneille and Marlène Dumas.
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Galleries in Holland
Several well renowned galleries all over the country (see for a complete list the website of Toos van Holstein)
Art fairs
Holland Art Fair in The Hague, The Netherlands
Open Art Fair in Utrecht, The Netherlands
Primavera in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Classic in Kortrijk, Belgium
Lineart in Gent, Belgium
St’ART in Strasbourg, France
Art and Antique Fair in Luxemburg Town, Luxemburg
Special exhibitions
Special exhibitions of her work have been held at, among others, the Saint Martins Church in Franeker(The Netherlands), Museum Het Petershuis in Gennep (The Netherlands), Austin Friars Church (City of London, Great Britain) and Museum St Paul de Vence in St Paul de Vence ( France).
Her work is also known through exhibits in foreign countries
Belgium - Brussels, Bruges, Knokke, Oostduinkerke
France - Nice, St.Jeannet, St.Paul de Vence, Albi, Castres
Italy - Venice, Stra, Spoleto, Florence
Great Britain - London
USA - Phoenix ( Arizona), Park City (Utah) during the
Winter Olympics of 2002, Taos (New Mexico)