Stephanie Iffert
Kunstart: Skulptur
Technik: Materialmix
Stil: Gegenständlich
Where the surface splits open the diversity and richness of life emerges.
I work in two and three dimensional ways. I paint canvases, I build objects and I do sculptures. I apply material to the surface of the canvas as I paint my sculptures and objects. I stretch the limits and break the borders between painting and sculpture. I work with the figure and in abstract ways. My sculptures are often isolated fragments of the figure.
I work with different kinds of materials like plaster, ashes, sand and paint. However, I almost always use soil for my work of arts. I started using this material early at college and I have been working with it ever since. I am constantly trying to find new ways in using this material, pushing it to the limit.
Sometimes the soil fills out the silhouette from the figures on the canvas. Sometimes it builds up the underlying structure of a painting and sometimes it encases the surface of the object, sometimes I use it as a detail. In my most recent works the object is only build up with soil.
Soil itself has many different connotations. In removing it from its natural surrounding and giving it a new form it gains new meanings. I am very interested in the cracks of the surface. They occur during the drying process. The surface ends up being rough and uneven, the material itself is dark and rich. It stands for the imperfection, the vulnerability and the richness of life.
Vita / Lebenslauf:
in Berlin
Auslandsaufenthalt in den USA
Studium der Bildenden Künste am Ramapo College, NJ, USA
Abschluss BA „visual arts“ mit summa cum laude bei Prof. Jay Wholley,
Graduation from the College Honors Program with distinction
Rückkehr nach Berlin und Beginn freiberuflicher
Tätigkeit als freischaffende Künstlerin
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Stipendien und Awards
Fred and Florence Thomases Scholarship,
Frank E. and Lillian A. Mutter
Scholarship, Visual Arts Award
Fred and Florence Thomases Scholarship,
Shows selected
Galerie Kunst Krämer, Berlin
WilhelmGalerie, touched, Potsdam
Studienkreis; apology, Berlin
Heilandskirche, Fragmente, Berlin
Martin-Luther-Kirche, Paradies: Endstation oder Neubeginn, Berlin
Bildungsstätte IG Metall, Maskerade, Berlin
Senior Art Prize, Library, RCNJ, New Jersey, USA
Elledorado, art charity, Galerie Kunst Krämer
Galerie Kunst Krämer, Mann, Stadt, Frau, Berlin
Kunsthalle Hamburger Platz, Leistungsschau, Berlin
Campus Naturalis, Berliner Farbenherbst, Berlin