
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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USA (United States)

Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Acryl
Stil: Gegenständlich


Memory as Flesh... A body of work, A train of thought:

Memory is an emotion as much as a visual image or home video in our minds... 'Memory as Flesh' is my most recent body of acrylic paintings and photographic work based around how memories are real, so real in our minds that we feel like we can reach out and touch them. However, physical distance from a memory is often very different from the closeness we feel to a person or time through our memory. We select images and scenarios to store in our minds to remember the significance of those times, people and places but it is how our emotions alter or enhance these visuals which breathes life into memories. This is what I aim to illustrate through my art work. By layering a mixture of images together I achieve a piece of art which combines pictorial memory with an overall emotion conveyed through colour and light. By recreating images of important events we can bring elements back to life and enhance and strengthen our memories further.
My work embraces the idea of a shared national memory but it is a personal exploration of my own hopes and fears which has the greatest impact on my art. Memories inform our present and can inspire us as we look back to better times or moments of beauty in ourselves and others. My work embodies layers of emotional imagery, moments of captivation and wonder and recaptures personal moments of fulfillment and happiness.

Vita / Lebenslauf:

At age 16 I was taught by artist Ian Murphy at my local high school in Standish, England. He helped me realise my interest in the simple pleasure of mixing and blending colours of oil paint. I spent all my school and college career working harder and more passionately on my Art projects than any other subject. It was in Dundee, Scotland years later, whilst at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, that I embraced the idea of combining different views within one composition. I used the computer to aid my sketching process of layering photographs and sketches of views, people, objects and places. By re-creating these layers with paint, rhythms of colour and light were formed across the canvas, enhanced by the texture of various applications and techniques.

After graduating with a BA Honors in Fine Art and being referred to as 'Best in Show' by a national newspaper, I successfully exhibited at Scottish galleries and had my first solo exhibition at Abertay University. I later studied to teach and it was whilst teaching that I met my husband. Despite the continued representation of my paintings in Scotland I felt that teaching did not allow me the time to enjoy and develop my own Art. Having thoroughly enjoyed some time working as a designer of wall decor and promoting sales of other artists work at a national picture framing company, I knew that I wanted to devote all my time to my own painting and photography.

I moved to the US a year ago to be with my husband who has been a constant source of support and inspiration. I spend my days and nights working on ideas, photographic imagery and paintings. I now work with acrylic paint, finding I can create the desired textures and movement in my work with an elegance and immediacy I find invigorating. Today I study the function of memory and emotion through my art and how the power of light and dark influences our perception of a time or place, how color and form can represent these memories and the feelings evoked by them.

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:

Brain Child
40 x 30 cm
verkäuflich (Preis auf Anfrage)
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