Johanna Pihlajamaa
Finnland (Suomi)
Kunstart: Druckgrafik
Technik: Holzschnitt
Stil: Abstrakt
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Finland studies:
2003 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Tampere Polytechnic University of Applied Sciences, Finland
1997 Visual Artist, Imatra Art School, Finland
1993 Artisan weaver, Nivala School of Arts & Crafts, Finland
Fyns Grafiske Værksted, the International Graphic Workshop of Funen
Kuvasto ry
Rajataide ry
The Association of Finnish Printmakers
Tampere Artists´Association
Union of Finnish Art Associations
Solo exhibitions:
2009 Brinkkala Gallery, Turku
2009 Gallery 5 , Oulu
2008 Printmaking Studio Himmelblau’s Gallery, Tampere
2007 Fyns Grafiske Værksted, Odense, Denmark
2004 Gallery Harmaja, Oulu
2003 Gallery G, Helsinki
2002 Gallery Rajatila, Tampere
1998 Gallery Rajatila, Tampere
1997 Graduating Exhibition, Imatra Culture Centre
General and group exhibitions:
2009 The Society of Finnish Graphic Artists, Gallery G, Helsinki
2009 Graphica Creativa, Jyväskylä Art Museum
2009 Nordic Art Association in Finland, The Jetty Barracks, Suomenlinna
2008 The Society of Finnish Graphic Artists, Gallery G, Helsinki
2008 “Least Common Denominator”, Mikkeli Art Museum
2007 Art Centre Mältinranta, Tampere
2007 Ars Kärsämäki
2007 Art Acquisitions of the Millenium Nokia Culture Centre
2006 “Rassut –Rajataide Association 10 Years” TR1 Finlayson, Tampere
2005 “Grafiikanpaja Himmelblau”, The Retretti Art Centre, Punkaharju
2004 Woodcuts, Gallery Allinna, Riihimäki
2004 Nordic Art Association in Finland, The Jetty Barracks, Suomenlinna
2003 Pirkanmaa Region 2nd Triennial, Tampere Art Museum
2002 “Sampo”, Pieksämäki Culture Centre
2002 “Dokument”, Gallery Rajatila, Tampere
2002 Haihara Culture Centre, Tampere
2000 “Raja-arvoja”, Joensuu Art Centre
2000 “Raja-arvoja”, Hämeenlinna Culture Centre
1999 Tampere Artists’ Assosiation’s Exhibition, Art Centre Mältinranta, Tampere
1999 Tillari-Gallery, Nivala
1996 “Tehtävä Pohjanmaa”, Seinäjoki Art Hall
1996 “Tartto”, Imatra
1996 Imatra Art Society’s Annual Exhibition, Imatra Art museum
1994 “Lätistys”, prints, Imatra
Exhibitions abroad
2008 Unplugged, Fyns Grafiske Værksted, Odense, Denmark
2008 Biennial of Graphic Art of the Baltic States, Kaliningrad-Koenigsberg, Russia
2007 International Triennial of Graphic Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria
2007 Fyns Grafiske Værksted, Odence, Denmark
2007 “Lessedra World Art Print”, Sofia, Bulgaria
2006 “P0607”, Nod-Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2004 “Border Crossings”, Filharmony Hall, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Other exhibitions
2009 Tampere Hall, Tampere
2008 Gallery Rajatila@Art Helsinki
2008 with Janne Laine, Tiina Poutanen and Juhani Tuomi
2008 Taideverstas Wärjäämö, Tampere
2009, 2008 The Pirkanmaa Regional Art Orienteering/The Play School Art Studio
2007, 2005 The Pirkanmaa Regional Art Orienteering/Printmaking Studio Himmelblau
Upcoming exhibitions
2009 Solo exhibition, K.H. Renlund Art Museum, Kokkola
2009 Artists’ Stipend, City of Tampere
2009 Artists' Association of Finland, Public Display Grant for Visual Artists
2008 Artists' Association of Finland, travel grant
2008 Finnish Cultural Foundation, artist grant
2007 Alfred Kordelin’s Foundation, project grant
2007, 2003 Arts Council of Pirkanmaa, project grants
2006, 1999 City of Tampere, stipend
2005 Artists’ Association of Finland, travel grant
2005 The Pirkanmaa Regional Fund of the Finnish Cultural Foundation, project grants
2004 Nifca/Sleipnir, travel grant
1996 The Central Ostrobothnia Fund of the Finnish Cultural Foundation, project grants
1996 City of Nivala, stipend
1996 Imatra Art School, stipend
1993 Nivala School of Arts & Crafts, stipend
Fyns Grafiske Værksted, the International Grafic Workshop of Funen
The Society of Finnish Graphic Artists
Tampere Artists´ Association
Union of Finnish Art Associations
Kuvasto ry, the Copyright Association of Artists
Rajataide ry
works in collections:
Finnish Art Association
Finnish State Art Collection
Helsinki City Art Museum, Finland
Imatra School of Fine Arts, Finland
Jonköpings kommun, Sweden
County Council of Västra Götaland, Sweden
County Council of Wärmland, Sweden
County Council of Kronoberg, Sweden
Oulu Art Museum, Finland
Parliament of Finland
Raimo Anttila Foundation City of Riihimäki, Finland
Salo Art Museum, Finland
City of Valkeakoski, Finland
Wihuri Foundation, Finland
Wärmland landstinget, Sweden
other activities:
2007 Artist in Residence, Fyns Grafiske Værksted, Odence, Denmark
2006 participating in Tuula Moilanen´s Ukio-e course in Kioto, Japan
2006 participating in Karen Kunc´s woodblock printing course in Helsinki, Finland
2002 Board member of Rajataide ry
2001 Vice board member of Rajataide ry
2000 Chairperson of Rajataide ry
1999 Vice chairperson of Rajataide ry
1999- Printmaker in Printmaking Studio Himmelblau, Tampere, Finland
1998 Printmaking course for the School of Fine Arts for Children, Pirkkala, Finland
1997-1999 Substitute Teacher for the School Board of the City of Tampere
1997 participating in Dean Dass´ printmaking course in Jyväskylä Centre for Printmaking, Finland
2009 solo exhibition, K.H. Renlund Art Museum, Kokkola 10.9. - 22.11.
2009 Artist in Residence, Chemnitz, Germany 18.9. – 30.10.
2009 group exhibition, Gallery Rajatila, Tampere 21.11. - 13.12
2010 Tampere City Hall 1.2. – 30.3.2010
from the series Orbicular Colours
47 x 47 x 3 cm
verkäuflich (Preis auf Anfrage)
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from the series Orbicular Colours
47 x 47 x 3 cm
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from the series Orbicular Colours
47 x 47 x 3 cm
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from the series Orbicular Colours
89 x 58 x 3 cm
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from the series Orbicular Colours
89 x 58 x 3 cm
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Kehrä II
185 x 120 x 5 cm
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Kehrä I
120 x 185 x 5 cm
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