
bis 30 cm 31 - 60 cm 61 - 100 cm 101 - 150 cm 151 - 200 cm über 200 cm Preis


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franck Lundangi

45250 Briare
Frankreich (France)
+33 2 38 37 01 63

Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Mischtechnik
Stil: Gegenständlich

Vita / Lebenslauf:
Born in 1958
Lives and works in Briare, France

Franck Lundangi came to know exile at a very early age, when civil war in Angola forced his family to flee Angola, where he was born, and seek refuge in what was then Zaïre. This is where he grew up and started his career as a professional soccer player. He moved to France in 1990 but soon after had to give up soccer for health reasons. It is at this point in time that Franck Lundangi developed an interest for art. Frequently spending time with artists, among whom his own wife, a painter, Franck Lundangi’s talent began to emerge through drawing. In 1995 he started to paint, and in 2000 also took up sculpting and printmaking.

Finding his inspiration in an imaginary Africa, a land of dreams and remembrance, he has been creating a simple, poetic world. Elegantly traced characters surrounded by plants, animals, symbols and decorative elements, clear and bold compositions, paintings with pure pigments, drawings on hand-made paper, sculptures worked out of driftwood, prints all reflect an extremely delicate universe, where joy and gravitas walk hand in hand.

Franck K. Lundangi is an artist, but also a poet, and a philosopher. He wonders about the world and explores portentous issues – life, death, love. His inspiration stems from silence, his approach is marked by spirituality and his work exudes a meditation about life.

Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
SOLO EXHIBITIONS (a selection)

2008 Galerie des pénitents noirs, Aubagne, France
2007 AFD, Agence Française de Développement, Paris
2006 Galerie Picot-Le Roy, Morgat, France
2005 Galleria Tonelli, Milan, Italy
2004 Salle Miro, Unesco, Paris
Château de Trousse-Barrière, Loiret, France
Bibliothèque municipale de Marignier, Haute-Savoie, France
2003 Instituto Camoes, Paris, France
Galerie de la Halle Saint-Pierre, Paris, France
2002 Galerie Mailletz, Paris, France
INSA, Saint-Etienne du Rouvray, Rouen, France
1999 Galerie Art Contemporain, l’Isle sur Sorgue, France
1998 Embassy of the Republic of Angola, Paris


2009 6th International Print Biennale, « L’Arte e il Torchio », Cremona, Italy
2008 « Esprits d’Afrique », Galerie A l’Ecu de France, Viroflay, France
2008 « Un monde Toucouleur », Espace Landowski, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
2007 « Africa Remix », Johannesburg Art Gallery, South Africa
« As Portas do Mundo », Neumünster Abbey Cultural Center, Luxemburg
6th International Ile-de-France Printmaking Biennale, Versailles, France
Contemporary Art Museum, Castello di Rivoli, Italy
2006 « Africa remix », Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
« Africa remix », Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Musée de la miniature, Montélimar, France
Musée de Guéret, Limousin, France
8e International Miniature Art Biennale, Ville-Marie, Québec, Canada
7th World Exhibition of Original Prints, Chamalières Triennale, Auvergne, France
2005 « As Portas do Mundo », Palacio D. Manuel, Evora, Portugal
« Africa Remix », Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
« Africa Remix », Hayward Gallery, London, UK
« Liaisons Africaines », Musée de la Halle Saint-Pierre, Paris, France
Galerie une sardine collée au mur, Geneva, Switzerland
2004 Wittstock Museum, Germany
« Africa Remix », Museum Kunst Palast, Dusseldorf, Germany
« Résonances Africaines », Chapelle Saint-Julien, Laval, France
2003 6th World Triennale for small-format prints, Chamalières, France
2002 « Voyageurs Imaginaires » Centre culturel Aragon, Oyonnax, France
2001 « Aux Frontières de l’Art Brut », Musée de la Halle Saint-Pierre, Paris, France
2000 Paris Art show, Westport, USA
L’Atelier, Centre d’art et d’échanges culturels de Pignans, Var, France
Galerie Munhwadoknibkuk, Seoul, South Korea
1999 Galerie Maine Durieu, Paris, France
1998 Galerie St. Charles de Rose, Paris, France
Musée-Atelier Roy Adzak, Paris, France
1997 « Ouverture, Regards du Monde », Toit de la Grande Arche, Paris la Défense, France
1996 Eglise de la Villetertre, Oise, France

Man Universe
106 x 65 cm
Preis: 350 Euro
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106 x 69 cm
Preis: 350 Euro
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