Alexander Meranto
USA (United States)
Kunstart: Malerei
Technik: Ölmalerei
Stil: Gegenständlich
Vita / Lebenslauf:
Using technique and color, I create content that touches on a myriad of subjects such as censorship, technology, globalization, and a disposable culture of change. For the most part my work is my way of coping with the society I inhabit. Mine is a generation living in volatile times and the work I create reflects that. Through my work, I convey a sense of anxiety and paranoia to the viewer. The subject matter used is derived from various sources but is usually composed from web-based images reinforcing the idea of information bombardment and the reach of modern technology. As well as enforcing the idea of the fast paced global community we interact with.
The colors I choose can often be associated with chemical spills, drugs or radioactive waste. They are sweet, saccrine colors that can just as easily be associated with tasty candy or contemporary clothing. The toxic palette used is meant to create the illusion of an uninhabitable atmosphere. At the same time the synthetic color makes reference to our own contemporary culture and the technology we use to create and mass-produce it. Thin washes are used to create depth and transparencies between successive layers of paint in order to recreate an atmosphere of a toxic environment. These are then juxtaposed with areas of denser chroma in order to create structure within the chaos of the composition. My work also utilizes elements of drawing that when combined with the paint further enhances the idea of loss of control within a culture of change.
My work is my attempt to relay my unique human experience to my societal peers in hopes of some relation between my experience and the experiences of others. It’s the response to a constant bombardment of information via various media outlets that we as a culture absorb on a daily basis. We are at the dawn of a new era, perched somewhere between survival and total destruction. Personally, I’m quite interested in finding out in what direction we will go.
Aktivitäten / Ausstellungen:
Attending Youngstown State University... graduation 2008. Youngstown, OH
2003- \\\"The Loan Model and Other Works.\\\" Sharon, PA
2005- \\\"Art All Night Lawrenceville.\\\" Pittsburgh, PA
2006- \\\"70th Annual Student Art Exhibition.\\\" Received \\\"Alexander Award.\\\" Youngstown, OH
2007- \\\"71st Annual Student Art Exhibition.\\\" Received \\\"Alexander Award.\\\" Youngstown, OH
2007- Received The Theodore R. Cubbison Scholarship for Painting
2007- \\\"A Chance Encounter\\\"juried exhibition
2008- Received Theodore R. Cubisson Scholarship for painting.
2008- Featured in the \\\"Penguin Review\\\" a book of poetry and art.
Consumers Power Company
72 x 79 x 5 cm
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Hair Did
153 x 122 x 5 cm
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Untitled (Electric Chair)
153 x 138 x 5 cm
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