BERÜHRUNG – TOUCH A journey with the camera through the world of flowers. This served me as guideline for my work. I try to combine the painting technique with line drawing, enhancing the drama and effect of the images. These pieces of work “Berührung” – “Touch” – show the dynamic coaction between the flowers and the hummingbird, which melt into one image. The pictures allude to a complex change of the symbiotic processes in the world of nature. Painting is a passion of mine which moves, |
Ivan Verovic
BERÜHRUNG - TOUCH / CONTACT Werkgruppe: TOUCH Kunstart: Malerei Technik: Acryl Stil: Impressionismus 120 x 100 cm 39,4 x 47,2 in Jahr: 2012 Auflage: 12 Signatur: vorne signiert
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